Most companies or organizations (note I am making a distinction between
not for profit “organizations” and for profit “businesses”) take a hap hazard
approach to marketing. They often
utilize, what I call the “shinny object” syndrome by marketing based on, whatever initiative catches their attention and falls within generally accepted marketing principles.
They tend to support sponsorships, traditional media, inconsistent online
strategies, direct mail, events and on occasion some limited public
relations. The problem with all this is,
it is generally not well co-ordinated, defined and consistently applied. No one
has actually crafted a marketing message that responds to current audience
needs and demands; and the results are usually viewed on an individual project-by-project
basis with little means of evaluating performance as a group or over time.
The problem is compounded by the fact that most managers, directors, owners,
presidents and CEOs all believe they know more than just a little about marketing. They know their product or service inside out
and they understand their business proposition, so they feel qualified to be
able to make marketing decisions for their organization or business. In turn,
these decision makers empower middle managers, graphic artists, social network
specialists and web programmers, often without supporting customer data and product
analysis, to institute marketing initiatives.
While all these and many other marketing, advertising, sales and public
relations functions can contribute to a marketing program. They can only be
successful when implemented under a carefully thought out marketing strategy
that has incorporated the tools and means of evaluating performance. That strategy
overlays the products and services, features and benefits, customer service strategy,
unique selling features and nature of an organization over customer
demographics to establish goals and objectives that can be measured or modified
as the performance dictates.
The reason that companies and organizations do not enter into such a process
readily, is that - more than cost, the process demands the attention of the
senior management team. It demands that they participate in a very focused process;
evaluating their performance in detail. In a senior decision maker’s world,
this is their most valuable resource, time and effort. Diverting management’s attention
to conduct a marketing review and put in place a process for evaluating the organization’s
performance doesn't seem to measure up to more perceived important company
issues, such as new products, ongoing products and services, sales, customer service,
There are marketing strategies that can be employed to help protect
companies from troughs in the business cycle or to help grow your organization
to the next level. How you answer the questions in our marketing survey will help
you understand how prepared your company or organization is.