If we can now recognize the far reaching effects of E-Learning, we
can begin to understand why there has been such foot-dragging on the implementation
of something that seems to make so much sense on the surface of it. I generally
don’t like lists, tips, rules or guidelines, so on this occasion I will simply
call them thoughts to consider when implementing E-Learning stratyegies:
E-Learning is a relatively
mature technology – it should work like the telephone – no special hardware or
software required – just use it
No IT department is required
unless you plan to become a learning institution
Subject matter experts are part
of the solution. You will need them in designing content in a variety of
learning “flavours” ranging from blended learning to self-paced learning
Legacy material cannot be converted
into E-Learning – it can be used as the basis to developing E-Learning
Allow learners to have more
control over learning: when, what, where,
Be prepared to engage with learners
– moderating forums, frequent updates of content, answering questions, promoting
the value of content, rewarding learners, challenging learners
Try an emulate the classroom, accommodate
different learning styles and levels of accomplishment
Start from scratch and first
implement a pilot project to work out the kinks, then evolve to the next level
This is a hands-on enterprise. There
are great rewards to be had…along with great rewards come great responsibility
The archive of images, video, etc., you have
will not meet the demands of this new initiative. Think long term
Allow for creative
interpretation, the content has to inspire the learner …just like that teacher
that inspired you…don’t drain the life, or fun out of E-Learning
Create opportunity for
interaction among learners
E-Learning technology is constantly
evolving - avoid licensing and plan to ensure
your content is portable so that you are
not trapped by proprietary hardware/software
Create more opportunities for social interaction
within E-learning
You must provide opportunities to
recognize, respond and act on learner feedback
If you have questions ..please post and I am happy to answer as honestly as I can...