The basic strategy behind advertising regardless of audience or media channels remain consistent. It is just that there are more media channels today and less time to really understand their impact on our business. The purpose of advertising is to inform, persuade or remind potential customers that you offer the highest value product or service. It follows that before you design any advertisement uniquely for your target audience you should know how you want to be positioned in the minds of the potential and existing customers. This includes knowing what type of media they use most often, the demographic and psychographic profile of your audience and ensuring you have strong creative that appeals to your audience. Show and tell rarely produces results and you need to appeal to your customers at the emotional level.
Now having said all that what are the basic steps in creating your advertising strategy?
Once the decision to advertise has been made,
the objectives of the advertising must be set. Typically advertising objectives
are grouped into one of three functions; inform, persuade, and remind.
Persuasion advertising is the most common form of advertising. It is
used to generate demand for a particular service in a particular market where
competition for market share exists. The goal is to differentiate a product or
service from others in the same market. Having a product differentiated in the
minds of consumers can be beneficial since it usually allows for more pricing
Reminder advertising is important once a service is established. This
form of advertising can be especially important for firms that operate in a seasonal
environment. You may want to “remind” consumers you are available to provide a
variety of services throughout the year. The correct objectives for your
advertising strategy can be easily determined from an analysis of the current
marketing environment.
Media Channels
The media channels you select to get your message to the
target audience depends on three elements: reach, frequency and impact.
Reach is the number of unique consumers exposed to a particular
ad at least once during a specified time period (usually a month or quarter).
Frequency is the number of times within the period that a consumer is
exposed to the ad. A common rule is that most consumers need a minimum of three
exposures before the ad registers with them.
Impact is a qualitative value of the advertising media. For
example, will your ad have a greater impact in the local business paper or the
local entertainment magazine?
To calculate total number of exposures multiply
reach times frequency. This is known as Gross Rating Points or Impressions. A higher number of impressions implies more frequency, but tells us nothing about the potential impact of the
ad on customer decisions. To measure the overall potential of an ad, including
impact, combine all three elements, (R x F x I). This is known as the Weighted
Number of Exposures (WE). A higher WE implies greater overall exposure.
Advertising Budget
You can set your budget any number of ways.
Small businesses often set the budget based on what they think they can afford.
This can be costly if the budget is too low or too high. Under-advertising may
not produce any results at all. Over-advertising will result in some ads that
do not generate sales. A better way to set the budget is to define objectives
for the advertising and identify the tasks necessary to realize the objectives.
Most advertising is priced in term of dollar cost per
thousand exposures or CPM (the M is
the Roman numeral for 1000). Higher impact ads usually, but not always,
have a higher CPM associated with them. The media or media channels with the greatest combined
reach, frequency and impact and a CPM within your advertising budget is the one
to use.
Surprisingly, no definitive measures exist to
evaluate the results of an advertisement on sales. The best way to evaluate
advertising for small businesses is to:
- Keep track of the number of new contacts
- Ask every new contact how they heard of you
Advertising can be used effectively to increase
sales. However, before creating an advertisement, know whom you want for
customers and what type of media they use. Craft your message to communicate
the features and benefits of your service that they will find most valuable.
Focus on reach, frequency and impact and set a realistic budget. Be prepared
for a lag time of one or two periods from ad placement to response. Finally,
evaluate the results of your advertising to decide on the most cost effective
level of future advertising.
In my next article I will tackle "Picking the Right Advertising Channels" of media for your company .
In my next article I will tackle "Picking the Right Advertising Channels" of media for your company .